+ Are my wood floors worth saving?

Probably! Most Portland area homes are not old enough to have worn out their wood floors. During an on-site inspection we will discuss the general condition of your wood floor and its remaining useful life.

+ What species of wood are in my floors?

Portland homes typically have White Oak, Red Oak, and Doug Fir. Less common are Maple, Hickory and exotic species. We will determine the species and grade and discuss the options available to you.

+ Who should I hire to restore my wood floors?

We recommend hiring a licensed and bonded contractor who specializes in hardwood floors... and ask for references!

+ When is the best time to redo my wood floors?

Restoring your wood floors is easiest when your home is unoccupied. We often work for folks while they are on vacation. With that said, it is not always necessary to be out of your home completely. We can discuss the process specific to your project.

+ When remodeling my house, when does wood floor refinishing take place?

Refinishing is best done toward the end of your project. Any wet work such as drywall, tiling and painting should be completed prior to the hardwood flooring work. Save final paint touch-ups for last.

+ How long will it take to refinish my floors?

This depends on the size and scope of your project. A typical refinishing project takes 4 to 7 days.

+ What should I expect during the installation, sanding and finishing process?

Refinishing your wood floor involves the use of heavy industrial equipment and vacuums. There is a fair bit of vibration and it is, of course, loud. If you have questions or concerns we are happy to address those with you.

+ Can I stay in my house?

A lot of that depends on the type of finish used, your ability access to rooms and your personal comfort level.

We are proud to offer Bona water-based finishes, many of which are low VOC and GreenGaurd certified.

+ What do I do to prepare my home?

Furniture will need to be removed. We can recommend a moving company to you if needed. Windows and doors need to be operable, allowing your living space to breathe. Provide access to 220v power at a range or dryer outlet. Curtains and window coverings should be out of the way.

+ What is the best finish for my floor?

There are many professional-grade finishes available. We primarily use Bona water-based finishes and DuraSeal oil-based polyurethane. We can also apply natural penetrating oils such as Woca, but note that the maintenace for a natural oil finish is much more involved than a water or oil based urethane.

+ How do I care for my Wood Floors?

Maintaining hardwood floors is simple.

• Keep your wood floors clean and free of abrasive dirt and sand.

• Vacuum.

• Damp mop with a professional hardwood floor cleaner.

• Provide area rugs at exterior doors.

• Use felt floor protectors under all pieces of furniture placed on your floor.

CZ Becker Co. will provide you a Bona cleaning kit and felt floor protectors at the completion of your job. For more detailed maintenance instructions click here: https://www.woodfloors.org/maintenance.aspx.

Over time your wood floors with take on an appearance and character unique to your own lifestyle.

Enjoy your beautifully refinished wood floors!